Mr SAKE Okayama 佐藤暢洋です。
この度、2023 Miss SAKE Okayamaの中島咲希と共に第33回北前船寄港地フォーラム in OKAYAMAに参加しました。
18:30~20:30 前夜祭 ホテルグランヴィア岡山
8:00~13:30 分科会 岡山市・倉敷市・玉野市・備前市・瀬戸内市
14:00~17:30 フォーラム ホテルグランヴィア岡山 基調講演・トークセッション
18:30~20:30 レセプション ホテルグランヴィア岡山
Miss SAKE Mr SAKEの岡山代表として、5日の前夜祭および6日のレセプションにて岡山の地酒をご来場されました皆様に岡山の地酒を振舞いました。
海の総合商社とも呼ばれる北前船。特産物だけでなくその土地土地の文化をも津々浦々に届けるその姿勢は、Mr SAKEとしても見習う事が多いように感じました。
2023 Mr SAKE Okayama 佐藤暢洋
English below
2023 Mr SAKE Okayama’s Nobuhiro Sato participated in the 33rd Kitamae Ship Port Forum in OKAYAMA.
This time, I participated in the 33rd Kitamae Ship Port Forum in OKAYAMA alongside the 2023 Miss SAKE Okayama, Saki Nakashima.
Event Details:
“33rd Kitamae Ship Port Forum in OKAYAMA”
October 5th (Thursday):
18:30-20:30 Pre-Event Party at Hotel Granvia Okayama
October 6th (Friday):
8:00-13:30 Breakout Sessions in Okayama City, Kurashiki City, Tamano City, Bizen City, and Setouchi City
14:00-17:30 Forum at Hotel Granvia Okayama, featuring keynote speeches and talk sessions
18:30-20:30 Reception at Hotel Granvia Okayam
During the pre-event party on the 5th and the reception on the 6th, we offered Okayama’s local sake to all attendees.
The venue was a grand and festive party with over 300 attendees, including ambassadors from Europe.
The Kitamae Ships were maritime vessels registered on the Japan Sea side that engaged in the “Western Route” route during the Edo to Meiji era, traveling from Osaka to Shimonoseki and on to Hokkaido.
Kitamae Ships also made port in Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture. I had the opportunity to discuss with our guests the historical drama of how Omachi rice, born in the late Edo period, and the sake brewed from it, might have gained nationwide recognition through the Kitamae Ships.
The presence of Kitamae Ships, often referred to as a comprehensive maritime trading company delivering not only the excellence of Japan but also its culture to every corner of the country, resonated with Mr SAKE’s mission.
Once again, I express my gratitude to all the Kitamae Ship-related guests on this occasion.
2023 Mr SAKE Okayama Nobuhiro(Nick) Sato